Preventing default CSS styles in ASP.NET: A step-by-step guide

When working with multiple CSS files for different themes, I noticed that the Login Page is calling one extra CSS file. However, during runtime, some classes from the default CSS are still being used. How can I resolve this issue?

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of an element, you can modify its properties within the CSS files to override the default settings.

Unfortunately, there is no alternative method to block these styles from being applied. If no specific styles are defined, the browser will automatically apply its own default styles. Therefore, it is recommended to adjust the CSS rules in each file or utilize JavaScript (jQuery or pure JS) to overwrite them.

document.getElementById("elementid") = value;

Alternatively, with jQuery:

$('selector').css('property', 'value');

By following these approaches, you can achieve the desired customization. Nonetheless, the most effective way is to directly update the CSS values in the designated .css file.

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