Is it possible to arrange the final divs on top of the initial ones without any overlap between them?

I have a script for uploading files that displays all previously uploaded images in divs with the class "download".

When I use a jQuery script to add more pictures, it puts them in divs with the class "upload".

I want these new uploads to be displayed above the divs with the class "download".

However, the code automatically places them below.

I know there should be a way to achieve this using CSS, but I'm having trouble making it work.

<div id="files" class="files">
<div id="download" class="download"></div>
<div id="download" class="download"></div>
<div id="download" class="download"></div>
<div id="download" class="download"></div>
<div id="download" class="download"></div>
<div id="upload" class="upload"></div>
<div id="upload" class="upload"></div>
<div id="upload" class="upload"></div>

Answer №1

To tackle this issue, consider utilizing flexbox along with the order attribute. This method is effective even when dealing with a mixture of uploads and downloads while maintaining the original sequence of elements (e.g., the first upload remains the first upload).

.files {
.files .download {
.files .upload {
<div id="files" class="files">
  <div id="download" class="download">1.1</div>
  <div id="download" class="download">1.2</div>
  <div id="download" class="download">1.3</div>
  <div id="download" class="download">1.4</div>
  <div id="download" class="download">1.5</div>
  <div id="upload" class="upload">2.1</div>
  <div id="upload" class="upload">2.2</div>
  <div id="upload" class="upload">2.3</div>
  <div id="download" class="download">1.6</div>
  <div id="download" class="download">1.7</div>
  <div id="upload" class="upload">2.4</div>
  <div id="upload" class="upload">2.5</div>

Answer №2

To achieve this layout using CSS, you can style the parent element with the following code:

    .files {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column-reverse;

By applying these flex layout rules, the items will be displayed in a reversed column order.

For a more comprehensive solution, consider having the script prepend the images instead of appending them. If you have access to the script and are using jQuery, take a look at the following methods:

These methods function differently but both allow you to add elements before other elements. Depending on the script's behavior, you can choose either method to achieve the desired result.

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