Is it possible to adjust the dimensions of the number input spinner?

When working with a number input that includes a spinner, I have encountered challenges in changing the size of the spinner itself. Specifically, I am referring to the <input type='number'> element. Despite my efforts to adjust its size through CSS properties, I have not found a successful solution. Complicating matters further is the fact that each browser and operating system may have a different implementation of the spinner.

Due to limitations with the version of JQuery UI (1.8) being used in the larger application, I am unable to utilize the JQuery UI spinner as an alternative. This constraint stems from potential issues that may arise if upgrading to a newer version.

Answer №1

It may not be the best solution, but you can experiment with the CSS transform property to achieve your desired outcome:

Take this for instance:

    transform: scale(1.5);

By scaling the input, along with adjusting other properties like font-size, line-height, height, and width, you might be able to create the effect you're looking for.

Answer №2

Here is a CSS snippet that can be used to replace browser spinners with a custom image in Chrome. The code controls the size and position of the image within the input element, making it invisible until the user hovers over it:

* Custom Spin Buttons */
input[type="number"].custom::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    background: #0F0 url() no-repeat center center;
    width: 3em;
    border-left: 1px solid #0f0;
    opacity: 0; /* hides Spin Buttons by default (Chrome >= 39) */
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    box-shadow: 0 0 2px #0CF;
    opacity: .7;

Answer №3

Just plain old HTML...

No fancy libraries or images needed.


<!--   Score Control Container -->
<div class = "Score-Control">
  <div class = "Score-Value-Container">
    <div id="RoundScore" class="Score-Value">


  <div class = "Score-UpDown">
    <div class = "Score-Button-Container">
      <div class = "Score-Button " onclick="IncrementScore();"> 
    <div class = "Score-Button-Container">
      <div class = "Score-Button " onclick="DecrementScore();"> 


.Score-Control {
  width: 200px;

  display: table; 
  overflow: hidden;
  font-size: 44px;
  vertical-align: middle; 
  text-align: center;

.Score-Value {
  display: table-cell; 
  vertical-align: middle; 
  text-align: center;

  background-color: burlywood; 

.Score-Button-Container {
  display: table; 
  height: 50%; 
  width: 100%; 
  overflow: hidden; 

.Score-Button {
  display: table-cell; 
  vertical-align: middle; 
  text-align: center; 
  font-size: 27px;


function IncrementScore() {
  var RoundScore = document.getElementById("RoundScore").innerHTML;
  if (RoundScore < 10) {
    document.getElementById("RoundScore").innerHTML = RoundScore;

function DecrementScore() {
  var RoundScore = document.getElementById("RoundScore").innerHTML;
  if (RoundScore > 1) {
    document.getElementById("RoundScore").innerHTML = RoundScore;

Check out this code in JSFiddle

Answer №4

To create an interactive input field with increment and decrement buttons, you can use HTML and JavaScript to achieve the desired functionality and style.

<input type="text" name="quantity">
<button class="incrementBtn">+</button>
<button class="decrementBtn">-</button>


var inputQuantity = $('input[name="quantity"]');
$('.incrementBtn').click(function() {
    inputQuantity.val(parseInt(inputQuantity.val()) + 1);

$('.decrementBtn').click(function() {
    if (parseInt(inputQuantity.val()) > 0) {
        inputQuantity.val(parseInt(inputQuantity.val()) - 1);

Ensure that the input only accepts numerical values so that the +/- buttons function correctly.

Answer №5

The concept of "spinner size" is quite abstract, however, the <input type=number> element appears to adhere to certain styling properties such as width, height, and font settings. For instance:

    <input type=number value=42 min=0 max=99
      style="font: 24pt Courier; width: 3ch; height: 3em">

It's up for debate whether these properties are useful and whether they ought to function as intended. One could argue that these elements should provide a user-friendly browsing experience driven by browser defaults, rather than be manipulated by authors. However, in reality, CSS plays a significant role in how the widget behaves, which can be beneficial, especially when adjusting default widths. (Ideally, browsers would adjust based on the min and max values, but this isn't the case currently.) There's a risk in specifying widths, as it may conflict with the browser's implementation. In the provided code snippet, the expectation is for the arrows to be no wider than one character, though this assumption could potentially be incorrect in the future.

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