How can I use JQuery to select an element with a style attribute in Internet Explorer?

When using JQuery, I have set my target to be the following:

<li style="margin-left: 15px;">blah<li>

I am using this code to achieve that:

$(".block-category-navigation li[style='margin-left: 15px;']").addClass('sub-menu'); 

While this works well in Firefox, it does not work at all in IE. Does IE disregard the style selector? Is there a workaround for this issue?

Answer №1

Upon further investigation in IE8's console, I discovered that it is converting 'margin-left' to 'MARGIN-LEFT'.

This selector will be effective in IE:

$(".block-category-navigation li[style='MARGIN-LEFT: 15px']").addClass('sub-menu'); 

You have the option to include both upper and lower case selectors, or utilize a loop to inspect the style attribute as shown below:

$('.block-category-navigation li[style]').each(function() {
    $this = $(this);
    if ($this.attr('style').match(/margin-left: 15px/i)) {


To ensure that I provide functional code, here is a demonstration of the solution:

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, consider utilizing the marginLeft CSS attribute in combination with the .each() method. While there may be alternative approaches available, this method can be effective.

$(".block-category-navigation li[style]").each(function(){
 if($(this).css("marginLeft") == '15px')


Answer №3

To fully troubleshoot the issue, we will need to inspect the code that includes the ul tag and analyze all corresponding stylesheets being utilized. It's probable that the problem lies within how your CSS is structured rather than any issues with jQuery. The presence of hyphens in your naming convention could potentially be a red flag, but without a comprehensive overview, pinpointing the exact source of the issue is challenging. When you introduce a class containing a hyphen, there is a possibility that jQuery may interpret it as a property instead of a string. Different web browsers, such as Firefox and Internet Explorer, may handle JavaScript differently, leading to varying results. As a troubleshooting step, consider renaming the class from sub-menu to submenu and observe if this adjustment prompts better cooperation from IE.

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