Update overall font size to be 62% for a consistent look across the website

Recently, I developed a browser extension that adds an overlay button to the LinkedIn website. Everything was running smoothly until I discovered that LinkedIn uses a global font-size: 62,5% that completely messes up my design..

After turning off the font-size scaling, the overlay button appears as intended.

I attempted to override this setting in multiple places using font-size: 100% !important but unfortunately, it did not work. Since my CSS skills are still developing, I am seeking more innovative solutions to solve this issue :)

The current look of the overlay is shown here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/iIpQw.png

However, I envision it looking more like this: https://i.stack.imgur.com/C2i2g.png

I utilized Material-UI for constructing the design elements.

Answer №1

If you specify a font-size in percentage, it will be in relation to the parent element's size. By setting it to 100%, the text will remain the same size as its container. To change the size, consider using a fixed measurement like 16px or scaling it up with values such as 1.6rem or 160%.

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