Changing the border color of a Material UI textbox is overriding the default style

  • Upon the initial page load, I expected the border color of the text box to be red.
  • However, it appeared grey instead.
  • I tried setting the border color to red for all classes but the issue persisted.
  • Even after making changes, the border color remained unchanged.
  • I'm unsure how to target this tag specifically.

  • I was able to achieve the desired result by using "!important", but is there a way to achieve it without using that?

  • If anyone has any insights on this, please let me know so I can address it in the future.

  • Please refer to my code snippet and sandbox link below.

 cssLabel: {
    "&$cssFocused": {
      color: { borderColor: "red" }
  cssFocused: { borderColor: "red" },
  cssUnderline: {
    "&:after": {
      borderBottomColor: "red"
  cssOutlinedInput: {
    "&$cssFocused $notchedOutline": {
      borderColor: "green"
  notchedOutline: { borderColor: "red !important" },

   <div className={classes.container}>
          classes: {
            root: classes.cssLabel,
            focused: classes.cssFocused
          classes: {
            root: classes.cssOutlinedInput,
            focused: classes.cssFocused,
            notchedOutline: classes.notchedOutline
        label="Custom CSS border"

Answer №1

The issue arises from the conflict between your CustomizedInputs-notchedOutline class and the MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline class, resulting in the following CSS output:

.CustomizedInputs-notchedOutline-1356 {
    border-color: red;  //this is your class

.MuiOutlinedInput-root-1382 .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline-1389 {
    border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);   //this class is overriding yours

To resolve this, you should use or create a more specific selector for the element, like so:

.more.class {    //multiple class selector
    border-color: red; 

Alternatively, if possible, modify the conflicting class directly.

EDIT: To address this, consider applying a stronger selector by adding & $notchedOutline to the cssOutlinedInput, as shown below:

cssOutlinedInput: {
    "& $notchedOutline": {   //include this nested selector
       borderColor: "red",

    "&$cssFocused $notchedOutline": {
       borderColor: "green"

Furthermore, remember to remove the !important modifier from

notchedOutline: { borderColor: "red !important" },

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