Tips for utilizing innerHeight for a div during both window loading and resizing tasks?

I'm currently working on calculating the top/bottom padding of a div (.content) based on its height, and updating it upon loading and resizing the window. The goal is to have it centered nicely next to another div (.character) positioned beside it.

Initially, I attempted using CSS calc, but encountered issues as the syntax didn't support operators. Furthermore, my design includes several media queries adjusting the font size according to the viewport, making the height of the .content div somewhat dynamic.

Here is the JavaScript portion for reference, and you can find the current progress on JSFiddle:

    $.w = $(window);
    $.w.on('load resize', res);

function res() {

Any assistance or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. If there's a more effective solution than using innerHTML, I'm open to exploring alternative approaches.

Answer №1

The desired alignment of the items is a bit unclear, but based on your description, it seems like you want the .content and .character to be centered vertically with each other.

In the provided code snippet, both elements are positioned absolutely. If this is the approach you'd like to take, you can achieve vertical centering by disregarding margins and JavaScript with the following trick applied to both elements:

top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);

The first line instructs the element to be positioned at 50% from the top of its container. The second line then moves the element up by 50% of its own height. This combination ensures vertical centering based on the parent's size and the element itself.

If both elements are vertically centered within their parent, they will align accordingly.

Check out the example here!

However, if you prefer not to have the elements overlap as shown in the example (which offers a modern look), you can achieve the same result more easily using flexbox.

The parent element should have the following CSS properties:

display: flex;
align-items: center;

And the two child elements should have:

flex-basis: 50%; //to give them width

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