Internet Explorer is unable to recognize the .less file format

I have created a less file that works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox, but it is not being recognized in IE 9. Does anyone have suggestions on how to make it run in IE 9.0? Below is a sample of the CSS code:

@import "../core/variables.less"; @import "Mixins.less";

.classname {


            font-size: 15px;

        padding-top: 10px;  
        padding-bottom: 10px;  
        border:1px solid black; 
            border:1px solid black;



        padding-left: 580px;

    .round-button-cancel {
        .rounded-button (7px, #ECECEC, #A9A9A9,none, bold, #52504C,
90px, 35px);

    .round-button-submit {
        .rounded-button (7px, #FAF5E9, #EFAE2C,none, bold, #8B4513,
Auto, 35px);


Answer №1

Visit the official LESS website for information on browser compatibility. Unfortunately, it does not offer support for Internet Explorer across any of its versions.

Answer №2

Ensure that you have included the necessary less.js script in your project to correctly parse less files.

For .NET projects, if you prefer not to use less.js (especially for larger .less files which may cause client-side overhead), consider integrating the DotLess library instead.

Answer №3

The problem I encountered was similar. My solution was to compile it into a .css file and use that for testing, even in Internet Explorer.

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