Conceal all div elements except for displaying the initial two

Can an entire div be hidden with only the first 2 entities visible?

<div class="inline-edit-col">
    <span class="title inline-edit-categories-label">Brands</span>
    <ul class="cat-checklist product_brand-checklist">
        <li id="product_brand-3039"><label class="selectit">acer</label></li>
        <li id="product_brand-3040"><label class="selectit">asus</label></li>

    <span class="title inline-edit-categories-label">Product Categories</span>
    <ul class="cat-checklist product_cat-checklist">
        <li id="product_cat-3039"><label class="selectit">mobile</label></li>
        <li id="product_cat-3040"><label class="selectit">car</label></li>


This is the HTML structure, but I want to only display the first two and hide the rest. Is there a way to achieve this using CSS or JavaScript?

I attempted to use CSS to hide the third and subsequent elements:


However, this hides everything one by one which is not ideal. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this more effectively?

Answer №1

You can easily achieve this using CSS without the need for Javascript

span:nth-child(n+4) {
  display:none;       // hides all spans from the 4th child onwards
ul:nth-child(n+5) {
  display:none;      // hides all uls from the 5th child onwards

Here is how it works:

div               // parent
|-- span          // 1st span - 1st child of parent
|-- ul            // 1st ul   - 2nd child of parent
|-- span          // 2nd span - 3rd child of parent
|-- ul            // 2nd ul   - 4th child of parent
|-- span          // 3rd span - 5th child of parent
|-- ul            // 3rd ul   - 6th child of parent
|-- span          // 4th span - 7th child of parent
|-- ul            // 4th ul   - 8th child of parent
|-- span          // 5th span - 9th child of parent
|-- ul            // 5th ul   - 10th child of parent

Answer №2

Give this a shot

Utilize jQuery's gt selector

$('.inline-edit-col > *:gt(1)').hide(); //hide all elements after the second index (zero-based index)


Use array.slice


Answer №3

Assign a class of "unit" to each span-ul element

For example:

<div class="inline-edit-col">
<div class="unit">
<span class="title inline-edit-categories-label">Brands</span>
<ul class="cat-checklist product_brand-checklist">
    <li id="product_brand-3039"><label class="selectit">acer</label></li>
    <li id="product_brand-3040"><label class="selectit">asus</label></li>

<div class="unit">
<span class="title inline-edit-categories-label">Product Categories</span>
<ul class="cat-checklist product_cat-checklist">
    <li id="product_cat-3039"><label class="selectit">mobile</label></li>
    <li id="product_cat-3040"><label class="selectit">car</label></li>

Then, in the CSS:

.inline-edit-col * {

.unit:nth-child(1),.unit:nth-child(2) {

This will achieve the desired result. Keep in mind that the order is important.

For more information on CSS selectors, visit:

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