Techniques for preventing background layering using CSS

I have implemented a background image on the <input type="submit"> element to give it the appearance of a button. My CSS code looks like this:

input.button {

Furthermore, I would like to display a different image when the button is disabled. The following CSS rule should handle that scenario:

input.button[disabled] {

However, I encountered an issue in the iPhone browser where the disabled image appears above the normal image instead of replacing it. This is likely due to the ability of CSS3 to support multiple background images, causing Safari to overlay both. Interestingly, Firefox 4 behaves similarly when using background instead of background-image. Yet, with the current code setup, Firefox 4 displays it correctly.

My question then becomes: is there a method to swap out the existing background image in mobile Safari rather than just layering it on top?

Answer №1

To create a seamless transition between the two images, merge them into one and utilize the sliding doors method by adjusting the background position to alternate between the active and inactive states.

Answer №2

Consider utilizing a CSS-sprite to enhance performance:

input.button {
    background: transparent url(/assets/img/sprites.png) no-repeat top left scroll;

input.button[disabled] {
    background-position: bottom left;

Answer №3

I found a solution to my issue by removing transparency from my images and including opacity: 1 in the stylesheet. This resolved the problem of mobile Safari rendering them transparent for unknown reasons.

It's more of a temporary fix, but it gets the job done.

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