Using jQuery to define and apply style attributes

I'm currently working on a script that will add a left and right border to a button in a row of 3 buttons when that specific button is clicked. The goal is for the borders to remain while the button is active, and disappear once another button is clicked. Here's the code I have so far:

    // Add borders here (this part works)

    // Add borders here (this part works)   

    // Add borders here (this part works)  

function clearBorders(){
    $('popular').css("border", "solid");
    $('suggestions').css("border", "none");
    $('recent').css("border", "none");

Although I can successfully apply the borders to the buttons, I am encountering an issue with the clearBorders function not working as intended. Despite confirming that the function is indeed being called (by inserting an alert at the beginning), it seems to be ineffective. What could be causing this problem?

Answer №1

Ensure to include the appropriate id (#) or class (.) designator symbol in your clearBorders() function for correct selector targeting

Answer №2

After conducting a test, I discovered that in order for this to work properly, you must wrap it in a $("document").ready(function(){}); function. I had already made adjustments to use classes instead of ids, so your mileage may vary depending on your setup. The test case provided below did not work for me until I added the document.ready function.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        clearBorders(); }

        // add borders here (this part works)   

    //add borders here (this part works)  
    }); }
    function clearBorders(){
        $('.popular').css("border", "1px solid red");
        $('.suggestions').css("border", "1px solid red");
        $('.recent').css("border", "1px solid red");


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