"Refine Your Grid with a Pinterest-Inspired

I've set up a grid of images in columns similar to Pinterest that I would like to filter. The images vary in height but all have the same width.

The issue arises when a taller image is followed by a shorter one, causing the short image to float right underneath the tall one and leaving an unsightly gap.

For instance, if you take a look at "Category 3" on this page: The last image ends up getting stuck below the smallest one, instead of aligning all the way to the left as desired.

I have experimented with using isotope, shuffle.js, mixitup, among others. However, these solutions are designed for grids with varying heights and widths, resulting in unwanted gaps.

Answer №1

If you're experiencing layout issues, consider changing the layout mode to masonryHorizontal for a possible solution. Here's an example:

    filter: '*',
    layoutMode: 'masonryHorizontal',
    animationOptions: {
        duration: 750,
        easing: 'linear',
        queue: false,

In some cases, customizing the unminified isotope js file may be necessary to achieve the desired effect. I've encountered similar challenges before, and sometimes this approach is needed.

Referencing the documentation on different layout modes can also provide insight into handling specific requirements for your site. While 'masonry' is typically recommended, exploring alternative options could help address any issues:

Another workaround involves tricking Isotope by adding empty divs with hidden visibility in the styles. This can create a placeholder that alters the positioning of elements. Keep in mind that this method may not be suitable for dynamic content like social media feeds.

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