What is the reason for the absence of a shorthand property in CSS that combines width and height measurements?

Have you ever thought about using a shorter property for specifying an item's width and height in CSS?
Currently, we have to write:

selector {width: 100px; height: 250px;}

While this is already pretty fast, wouldn't it be even quicker if we could do something like this instead?

selector {dimension: 100px 250px;}

Is there a CSS pre-processor out there that can make this happen? It seems like it would save a lot of time when dealing with multiple width and height declarations.

Think about the CSS Grid properties for instance:

grid-template-columns: 100px 100px;
grid-template-rows: 100px 100px;  

This could be simplified to:

grid-template: 100px 100px / 100px 100px;

Answer №1

In short: The CSS Working Group has not yet reached a consensus on a name for the shorthand property.

While the concept is not new and has been suggested several times in the past, there is currently a proposal [css-sizing] Adding a 'size' shorthand for 'width'/'height' from the CSSWG (CSS Working Group).

Many aspects have been debated, but some key questions remain unanswered. Here are a few examples:

What should it be called?

Some of the suggestions for names include:

  • size: might conflict with the @page's size-property
  • dimensions: possibly too lengthy or difficult to remember
  • box-size: could be confused with box-sizing

How will it function?

Should it be:

<box-size>: <width> <height>?

… or more closely related to properties like padding or margin:

<box-size>: <height> <width>?

Additionally, should it support an option to maintain aspect ratio?

Which vendors will adopt it?

  • Which companies will back the proposal and implement the syntax?
  • Will it improve the user experience enough to encourage widespread adoption?

The CSSWG recently mentioned the possibility of a shorthand notation in their Teleconference Minutes on 2017-08-16:

The group agreed that a shorthand for ‘width’/’height’ would be beneficial, but decided against using ‘size’ as the name. However, they were unable to come up with an alternative at the time.

That said, you can utilize a CSS pre-processor to simplify your workflow. For example, here's a LESS mixin I use:

.size(@a: null, @b: null) {
    & when not (null = @a) {
        width: @a;

    & when (null = @b) {
        height: @a;

    & when not (null = @b) {
        height: @b;

It can be used as follows:

.size(100%, 50%);

width: 100%;
height: 50%;

… and it also accommodates square elements:


width: 100%;
height: 100%;

Answer №2

While it may seem like a beneficial concept, current official guidelines do not permit its implementation.

That concludes the update for now.

Answer №3

In my humble opinion, I suggest implementing a new shorthand code size for defining the height and width of a selected element.

For example:

size: <height> <width>;
size: 420px 297px;
size: 100% 50%;
size: 15rem 5em;

Furthermore, it is recommended to update the previous use of the size property with @page to now be labeled as page-size.

For reference, check out the following source: MDN Web Docs

/* Keyword values for scalable size */
page-size: auto;
page-size: portrait;
page-size: landscape;

/* <length> values */
/* 1 value: height = width */
page-size: 6in;

/* 2 values: width then height */
page-size: 4in 6in;

/* Keyword values for absolute size */
page-size: A4;
page-size: B5;
page-size: JIS-B4;
page-size: letter;

/* Mixing size and orientation */
page-size: A4 portrait;

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