Unable to utilize SASS variables in Angular from a global file, even though other styles are functioning correctly

After implementing the SASS code in my component's style, it functions correctly.

$test-color: pink;
div{ background-color: $test-color; }

However, when I transfer the definition to styles.scss, the desired outcome is not achieved. I have attempted using the (supposedly deprecated)

@import "../styles.scss";
and the currently recommended @use "../styles.scss";. Additionally, I tried moving the color definition to colors.scss and referencing it in angular.json. The styles for classes declared in styles.scss are working fine (even without importing/using because they are referenced in the assets), but the variable is not functioning.

Some sources suggest that it should work with @include. The documentation illustrates how to assign values, however, links provided did not provide any clarity on resolving the issue at hand. Despite trying additional configuration options like:

"stylePreprocessorOptions": { "includePaths": [ "src" ] }

The error message persists as seen below:

ERROR in ./src/app/.../some.component.scss
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
SassError: Undefined variable.
14 │ background-color: $test-color;
___ │ _________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
src\app...\some.component.scss 14:23 root stylesheet

Despite researching the error online, no satisfactory solutions were found. What steps should be taken to further investigate and resolve this issue?

Answer №1

The error is caused by incorrect syntax as highlighted. It should make a reference to the source of the colors.

background-color: colors.$test-color;

Moreover, the import statement is necessary but it should be referencing the module instead of the file directly.

@use "colors";

In order to maintain a clean code base, the following should be placed in the src\colors.scss file.

$test-color: pink;

Subsequently, you can utilize it like this.

@use "colors";
div{ background-color: colors.$test-color; }

In the configuration file angular.json, the following settings need to be adjusted.

"styles": { ... },
"stylePreprocessorOptions": { "includePaths": [ "src" ] },
"scripts": { ... },

It's important to note that files prefixed with an underscore undergo different processing rules, hence why _colors.scss is recommended. Although it may work when placing auxiliary files directly in the /src directory (such as styles.scss), convention dictates they should be located in /src/assets/styles, necessitating changes to the pre-processor options as shown below.

"stylePreprocessorOptions": { "includePaths": [ "src/asses/styles" ] }

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