Extract the image URL from the href attribute using Xpath

My goal is to extract all images enclosed in href attributes from the given code snippet

<div class="jcarousel product-imagethumb-alt" data-jcarousel="true">
<a href="https://domain/imagefull.jpg" onclick="return false;" class="cboxElement">
<img itemprop="image" src="http://domain/imagethumb.jpg"></a>

I attempted to retrieve them using XPath expressions like div/ul/li//a[img]/@href and

as well as div/ul/li//a/@href, but none of them captured any images within the href attribute.

If anyone could provide me with the most effective XPath expression to fetch the images nested inside href, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

Answer №1

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the issue, but I have managed to extract the image src using the code below. The xpath needed is simply: //a/img

var images = document.evaluate("//a/img", 
    document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); 
var img = images.iterateNext(); 
while (img) {
  img = images.iterateNext();

You can also check it out on jsfiddle

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