Ways to retrieve the CSS class names associated with an element

To determine if an element has been selected, I rely on checking for the presence of an additional CSS class called "selected" that is added to the element

The structure of my element is as follows:

<div class="b-wide-option" data-bind="css: { selected: IsSelected }, click: Select, attr: { id: Id }, event: { mouseover: OnMouseOver, mouseout: OnMouseOut, touchstart: OnTouchClick }" id="2">

After selecting it, the element appears like this:

<div class="b-wide-option selected" data-bind="css: { selected: IsSelected }, click: Select, attr: { id: Id }, event: { mouseover: OnMouseOver, mouseout: OnMouseOut, touchstart: OnTouchClick }" id="2">

I need to verify whether the CSS class "selected" has been successfully added. To do so, I have implemented the following code snippet:

string classes = element.GetAttribute("class");

However, I observed that this code only retrieves the first class "b-wide-option", failing to capture the important second class that I am interested in.

Answer №1

Try out the following code snippet:

const currentClass = element.getAttribute("className");

This should assist you in resolving the issue at hand.

Answer №2

Apologies everyone! After reviewing another element, I realized my mistake. The code snippet with element.getAttribute("className"); and element.getAttribute("class"); actually functions perfectly!)

I kindly request the moderator to remove this question, my sincere apologies.

Answer №3

One way to accomplish this is by utilizing


Alternatively, you could employ jQuery like so:

var className = $('.b-wide-option').attr('class');

You can also utilize the .hasClass() method.

var className = $('.b-wide-option').attr('class');
//insert your code here

Answer №4

Extracting the class names can be done like so:


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