Inflexible lists refusing to wrap

I have a straightforward requirement: I need a list <ul /> containing items <div />s of the same fixed size. These items should be displayed from left to right, filling up all available space before wrapping onto the next line.

Below is the basic HTML structure:

<ul class="list-unstyled d-flex">
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>

The class .d-flex simply applies the following CSS rules:

.d-flex {
    display: flex !important;

Similarly, the class .list-box controls the sizing properties of each box element within the list.

Currently, the boxes are laid out in a single row from left to right. If there are too many boxes to fit on the screen width, the <ul /> container gains a horizontal scroll bar.

Check out this working example:

.list-box {
            height: 100px;
            width: 100px;
            border: 1px solid black;
            margin: 2px;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

            <h1>Bootstrap 4 Flex List</h1>
            <ul class="list-unstyled d-flex">
                    <div class="list-box"></div>
                    <div class="list-box"></div>
                    <div class="list-box"></div>

However, the <li /> elements do not wrap to the next line. Why is that happening?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, be sure to incorporate the flex-wrap class in conjunction with d-flex. Take a look at this example on CodePen

<ul class="list-unstyled d-flex flex-wrap">
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>

Understanding Flex Wrap

The CSS property flex-wrap is used to determine whether flex items should remain on a single line or if they can wrap onto multiple lines. By allowing wrapping, you also have control over the direction in which the lines are stacked.

Answer №2

If you're wondering why items in a flexbox layout don't wrap by default, it's because the flex-wrap property is set to nowrap. To make them wrap as desired, simply change this value to wrap.

.d-flex {
    display: flex !important;
    flex-wrap: wrap; /* add this */


Alternatively, if you want to avoid using flexbox altogether, you can set the list items to display as inline-block. This way, they will stack one after another and wrap onto new lines as needed.

.my-list {
  padding: 0;
  list-style-type: none;

.my-list li {
  display: inline-block;

.list-box {
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  border: 1px solid black;
  margin: 2px;
<h1><strike>Bootstrap 4 Flex</strike> List</h1>
<ul class="my-list">
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>
  <li><div class="list-box"></div></li>

This is basic CSS 2 functionality, no need for Bootstrap!

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