AngularJS - displaying a notification when the array length is empty and customizing the visibility to conceal the default action

I've been working on an Angular project where I display a loading circle that disappears once the content is loaded. This circle is simply a CSS class that I call from my HTML only when the page first loads, like this:

Actually, the circle consists of two classes: .circle and .loader. Within the circle ...

<div ng-hide="lineItems.length" class="circle">
 <div class="loader"></div>

As you can see below, there is a promise with an if statement which checks if lineItems.length is zero, then it shows myModal. Everything works fine, but the loading circle still appears. What I want to do is completely remove the .circle and .loader once the condition inside the if is met.

.then(function(lines) {
  $scope.lineItems = lines;
  if ($scope.lineItems.length === 0) {;
   console.log('I AM EMPTY');
  } else {

Someone suggested using an $scope variable, but I'm not sure how to implement that as I am new to Angular. Are there any other ways to achieve this?

Answer №1

Start by setting a flag when initiating your promise to indicate that loading is in progress. Once the loading is complete, reset the flag to false. Utilize ng-class or ng-if to conditionally display the circle.

function performAction(){
    $scope.loadingInProgress = true;

       // processing logic goes here

        $scope.loadingInProgress = false;


<!-- ng-if removes element from DOM, while ng-hide simply modifies CSS display property -->
<div ng-if="loadingInProgress == true" class="circle">
    <div class="loader"></div>

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