Currently, I am compiling a list of tasks that need to be completed, but I am encountering a dilemma that is proving difficult to resolve

Recently delved into the world of Javascript and encountered a roadblock that I can't seem to overcome. Here's the snippet of code causing me trouble:

add = document.getElementById("add");
add.addEventListener("click", () => {
console.log("Please wait a while...Updating List...")
tit = document.getElementById('title').value;
des = document.getElementById('description').value;
if (localStorage.getItem('name') == null) {
    itemJsonArray = []
    itemJsonArray.push([tit, des])
    localStorage.setItem('name', JSON.stringify(itemJsonArray))

else {
    itemJsonArrayStr = localStorage.getItem('name')
    itemJsonArray = JSON.parse(itemJsonArrayStr)
    itemJsonArray.push([tit, des]);
    localStorage.setItem('name', JSON.stringify(itemJsonArrayStr))

Upon calling localStorage.getItem('name'), an error is consistently thrown: Uncaught TypeError: itemJsonArray.push is not a function at HTMLButtonElement.


Below is the corresponding HTML markup:

Initially believed it would work flawlessly, but unfortunately, that was not the case...

Answer №1

You may be encountering an issue due to improper initialization of new variables. Make sure you create them using var, let, or const (for clarification on the difference, check out this video). Your code may not be functioning correctly because you are not in strict mode.

If I am mistaken and you have initialized the variables properly, then include that part in your code snippets. Follow Nico Haase's suggestion and use console.log on your itemJsonArray to understand its contents better.

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