Personalize the layout for vertical table headings and table information

I need help with a table that has vertical headers. I want to remove the extra space within the table header and data cells. Here is the code for my table:

    <th class="field">Item ID Number:</th>
    <td class="column">XXX 1234 (Location)</td>
    <th class="field">Values:</th>
    <td class="column">100,000 - 150,000 CM</td>
    <th class="field">Item Status:</th>
    <td class="column">Passed</td>

Table Image-

Preview link

I have already tried adjusting the padding and margin of the table header and row elements, but it didn't solve the issue.

Answer №1

To solve this issue, you can use a combination of width and nowrap in the following way:

 .field {
    text-align: start;
    font-weight: 400;
    width: 1%;
   white-space: nowrap;

Keep coding joyfully!

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