Using a JavaScript loop to modify the color of the final character in a word

I am curious to find out how I can dynamically change the color of the last character of each word within a <p> tag using a Javascript loop. For example, I would like to alter the color of the "n" in "John", the "s" in "Jacques", the "r" in "Peter", and so on.



Answer №1

To achieve this, follow these steps:

  .querySelectorAll('#pColors p')
  .forEach(paragraph => {
    const length = paragraph.innerText.length - 1
    paragraph.innerHTML = `${paragraph.innerText.slice(0, length)} <span class="red">${paragraph.innerText[length]}</span>`
.red { color: red; }
<section id="pColors">


Answer №2

The following JavaScript code demonstrates how to manipulate a list of names by splitting each name and adding styling to the last letter:<br>
let list = ['John', 'Jacques', 'Peter', 'Robert'];

for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
  let name = list[i];
  document.getElementById("list-container").innerHTML += `<p> ${name.substr(0, name.length - 1)}<span style="color: red">${name.charAt(name.length - 1)}<span><p>`
<div id="list-container"></div>

Answer №3

Here is a potential solution you can try:

document.querySelectorAll('p').forEach(el => {
  const prefix = el.innerText.substr(0, el.innerText.length - 1);
  const suffix = el.innerText.substr(el.innerText.length - 1);
  el.innerHTML = `${prefix}<span class="colored">${suffix}</span>`;

The code uses document.querySelectorAll to target all the <p> elements on the page. Then, it loops through each element using NodeList#forEach. Each iteration extracts all characters except the last one and stores it as 'prefix', followed by extracting the last character and storing it as 'suffix'. The content of the element is then reconstructed using innerHTML, wrapping the single character in a <span> using a template string.

This code assumes that you have CSS styling similar to this example:

.colored {
  color: red;

document.querySelectorAll('p').forEach(el => {
  const prefix = el.innerText.substr(0, el.innerText.length - 1);
  const suffix = el.innerText.substr(el.innerText.length - 1);
  el.innerHTML = `${prefix}<span class="colored">${suffix}</span>`;
.colored {
  color: red;


Answer №4

You have the option to achieve this using CSS.

p::after {
  content: attr(data-end) ;
  color: red ;

   <p data-end="n">Joh</p>
   <p data-end="s">Jacque</p>
   <p data-end="r">Pete</p>
   <p data-end="t">Rober</p>

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