Flashing background colors on a website

Can anyone explain why this code won't alternate the background color of my website between two different colors?

<script type="text/javascript">
function blinkit() {
    intrvl = 0;
    for (nTimes = 0; nTimes < 3; nTimes++) {
        intrvl += 1000;
        setTimeout("document.bgColor='#0000FF';", intrvl);
        intrvl += 1000;
        setTimeout("document.bgColor='#FFFFFF';", intrvl);

Answer №1

Give this a try:

function pulseColor() {
    interval = 0;
        interval += 1000;
        setTimeout("document.bgColor='#FF0000';", interval);
        interval += 1000;
        setTimeout("document.bgColor='#FFFFFF';", interval);
    }, interval);

Answer №2

Avoid passing strings to the setTimeout function, as it is just as risky as using eval.

Instead, consider implementing a function like this:

function blinkEffect(repetitions, callback) {
    var toggle = repetitions*2, timer = setInterval(function() {
            document.body.style.backgroundColor = toggle%2 ? "#0000FF" : "#FFFFFF";
            if( !toggle) {
                callback && callback();
    return timer;
var flashing = blinkEffect(3);
// The background will flash three times.
// You can also stop it with `clearInterval(flashing);`

Using the provided code snippet, you have the option to specify an action to be taken upon completion:

var flashing = blinkEffect(3,function() {alert("Hello!");});

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