Displaying the age figure in JSX code with a red and bold formatting

I have a webpage with a button labeled "Increase Age". Every time this button is clicked, the person's age increases. How can I ensure that once the age surpasses 10, it is displayed in bold text on a red background? This should be implemented below the "Change" and "Change Age" buttons.

The current age is:

I believe I need to incorporate conditional rendering in JSX using the changeBackground function, but I'm not entirely sure how to proceed. Here is my current code snippet:

import React from 'react';

class App extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.changeClicked = this.changeClicked.bind(this);

        this.state = {
            name: 'jerry',
            age: 10

    changeClicked() {
        this.setState({name: 'Anne'});

    changeAge() {
        //this.setState({age : this.state.age + 1, name : 'Jacob'})
        this.setState((prevState) => ({age: prevState.age + 1}));
        console.log("The age is " + this.state.age);
        //this.setState({name : 'Maureen'})

    changeBackground() {
        this.setState({backgroundColor: 'red'});

    render() {
        const age = this.state.age;
        const color = 'white';

        return (
                    <p style={{color: 'red'}}>name and age information</p>
                <h3 style={{backgroundColor: color}}>Name is {this.state.name} and age = {age}</h3>
                <button onClick={this.changeClicked}>Change</button>
                <button onClick={() => this.changeAge()}>Change Age</button>
                <p>Current Age: {age}</p>
                <Info nimi={this.state.name} address="Europe" />

export default App;

Answer №1

To add style to an element based on certain conditions, you can create a CSS class and then apply that class when the conditions are met. Here's an example:


Then in your code:

<span className={`${this.state.price > 50 ? "price-over-50" : ""}`}>Price is: {price}</span>

Answer №2

Hey there, I created this especially for you on CodeSandbox. Feel free to copy and use it!

To enhance the styling, just add a CSS class like this:

.red {background-color: red;}

And in your code, incorporate it like so:

render() {
  const age = this.state.age;
  let classes = "";
  classes += this.state.age > 10 ? "red" : "";

  return (
      {<p style={{ color: "red" }}>Name and Age Information</p>}
      <h3 className={classes}>
        Name is {this.state.name} and age = {age}
      <button onClick={this.changeClicked}>Change</button>
      <button onClick={() => this.changeAge()}>Change Age</button>
      <p>Age: {age}</p>


Answer №3

Give this code snippet a try {this.state.colorbackground === true ?

 import React from 'react';

class App extends React.Component
        this.state = {
            name : 'jerry',
            age : 10,
            colorbackground: false

    changeClicked = () => {
      this.setState({nimi : 'Anne'});

    changeAge = () => {
        this.setState((prevStatus) => ({age : prevStatus.age + 1}));
        console.log("Age is " + this.state.age);
        if(this.state.age >= 10) {
              colorbackground: true

        const age = this.state.age;
        const color = 'white';

        return (
                <p style={{color : 'red'}}>name and age information</p>
                <h3 style={{backgroundColor : color}}>Name is {this.state.name} and age = {age}</h3>
                <button onClick={this.changeClicked}>Change</button>
                <button onClick={() => this.changeAge()}>Change age</button>
               {this.state.coloredbackground === true ?
             <div style={{color: 'blue', background: 'red'}}>Age is: <span style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{age}</span></div> :
              <p>Age is: {age}</p> }
                <Info nimi={this.state.name} address="Europe" />

export default App;

Answer №4

For example:

<p>If the age is over 10, it will be displayed in red: {age > 10 ? (<b style={{color : 'red'}}>{age}</b>) : {age}}</p>

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