Knockout text binding does not automatically update the width

Recently, I encountered a bug in an ongoing project where the user name was appearing within another element until hovered over with a cursor.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that this issue stemmed from the project's usage of Knockout.js. In the span element's placeholder, there was a no-break space present. This caused the page to sometimes fail in updating the width automatically when the text changed.

<span data-bind="text: db.who">&nbsp;</span>
<!--and updates to-->
<span data-bind="text: db.who">Username</span>
<!--however, ^this^ updated version does not allow for the width: auto to work.-->

I welcome solutions involving html, css, javascript, and/or JQuery.

Answer №1

To achieve this, you must utilize the attribute binding as shown below:

<span data-bind="text: db.who,attr:{width:SetWidth}">Username</span>

self.SetWidth = function(){
    return 'auto'

This dynamic application will occur during page rendering, where knockout triggers the SetWidth function to generate a value and apply it to the element.

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