Conceal all components on a webpage with the exception of a designated div

I am looking to selectively hide elements on the page, revealing only the contents of div.k1. The page contains numerous elements. How can I achieve this using just CSS?

<div>1-this will be hidden</div>
<div class="k1">
  2-this div will be shown
  <p>3-this will be shown</p>
  <p>4-this div will be shown</p>
    5-this will be shown
    <p>6-this will be shown</p>
      7-this will be shown
      <p>8-this will be shown</p>
<div>9-this will be hidden</div>
<div>10-this will be hidden</div>

<div>1-this will be hidden</div>
<div class="k1">
  2-this div will be shown
  <p>3-this will be shown</p>
  <p>4-this div will be shown</p>
    5-this will be shown
    <p>6-this will be shown</p>
      7-this will be shown
      <p>8-this will be shown</p>
<div>9-this will be hidden</div>
<div>10-this will be hidden</div> 11,12,13..

Answer №1

To hide all the specific elements within the body tag that are div's, excluding those with the class name k1, you can utilize the following JavaScript code snippet.

var items = document.querySelectorAll("body>div:not(.k1)");
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    items[i].style.display = 'none';

This script selects all the div tags directly under the body tag, except for those with the class name k1. It then loops through these selected elements and hides each one by setting its display property to 'none'.

If a CSS approach is preferred and the criteria remain the same as described above, you can achieve the same result using the following CSS rule.

body>div:not(.k1) {
    display: none;

If you wish to delve deeper into CSS selectors, I recommend exploring the topic on the W3 schools page.

Answer №2

If you're looking for a quick solution to hide divs nested up to 2 layers deep, here's a simple approach. By targeting all div elements and checking their classNames and parent classNames, we can selectively hide them based on specified conditions. This method involves adding multiple conditional checks to ensure only the desired elements remain visible. For more complex nesting structures, additional parentNode references can be included in the script. However, it may be more efficient to assign specific classes for hiding elements and revealing others using IDs. This alternative strategy avoids modifying the original HTML structure.


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