Troubleshooting issue with image dimensions in Angular within CKEditor content

One issue I am facing is with CKEditor, where images inserted into Rich Text Fields have their height and width attributes set in a CSS style tag. For example:

  style="height:402px; width:716px"

However, when I display the content in Angular using:

<p class="card-text" [innerHTML]="blogEntry.content"></p>

The inline CSS for height and width properties is not included:

<img alt="" src="">

This causes the image to be displayed in its original size, ignoring the height and width settings from CKEditor.

I need a solution that preserves the height and width properties. Any suggestions on how to address this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

It's essential to ensure the proper security context for any content you input.

Angular automatically sanitizes all injected HTML content by default, but it's crucial to understand that there can still be potential security vulnerabilities.

For detailed information on Angular's security measures, refer to

To learn how to bypass the security context, visit

Here is an example function that can be utilized in your component:

constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}

public createTrustedHtml(blogContent: string) {
   return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(blogContent);

Implement this function in your template:

<p class="card-text" [innerHTML]="createTrustedHtml(blogEntry.content)"></p>

Always exercise caution when bypassing Angular's default security context! Only do so if you have complete trust in the content being handled. Neglecting this precaution could result in security vulnerabilities and leave you susceptible to XSSI and CSRF/XSRF attacks.

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