Adjust the height of a div using jQuery animate based on the amount of text within

I have created a basic animation feature where users can click on an expanding box. I am looking for a solution that does not involve using a plugin.

Currently, the code looks like this:

$('#one').css("height", "22");
    $('#t1').click(function() {
      if ($('#one').hasClass("extended")) {
        $('#one').stop(true, true).animate({height: '22px'},500);
        $('#a1').stop(true, true).animate({opacity: '1'},500);
      } else {
        $('#one').animate({height: '120px'},500);
        $('#a1').animate({opacity: '0'},300);

The issue I'm facing is with overflowing text inside the div. How can I adjust the height of the box to accommodate the text? I hope this explanation makes sense!

Here is the HTML structure:

<div class="rightBox">
    <div id="one" style="overflow:hidden;">
        <h3><a href="#" id="t1">Availability</a></h3><p id="a1"><a href="#" title="Slide Down"><img src="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/img/arrow.png" alt="Arrow" /></a></p>
        <?php include 'availability.php'; ?>
</div><!-- END.#rightBox -->

Answer №1

In my approach, I first calculated the height of all child elements and then initiated the animation to adjust to that specific height. You can refer to the code snippet below for more details.

For a working example, check out this jsFiddle link.

<div class="rightBox">
    <div id="one" style="overflow:hidden;">
        <h3><a href="#" id="t1">Availability</a></h3><p id="a1"><a href="#" title="Slide Down"><img src="/img/arrow.png" alt="Arrow" /></a></p>
        <p>Sample text</p>        
                <p>Sample text</p>        
                <p>Sample text</p>        
                <p>Sample text</p>        
                <p>Sample text</p>        
                <span>More Sample text</span>        
    </div> </div>​


$('#one').css({"height": "22px", "background-color": "red"});

    $('#t1').click(function() {

      if ($('#one').hasClass("extended")) {
        $('#one').stop(true, true).animate({height: '22px'},500);
        $('#a1').stop(true, true).animate({opacity: '1'},500);
      } else {
        var height = 0;//initialize a height
        $(this).closest("div").children().each(function(){//this loops through each child element
           height += $(this).outerHeight(true);//this sums up the height
        $('#one').animate({height: height + 'px'},500);//set the height
        $('#a1').animate({opacity: '0'},300);
      } });​

Answer №2

To get the height of #one in your HTML, you can enclose it within another <div> element and then dynamically retrieve its height.

Here is an example:

In the provided example, I also demonstrate some chaining techniques to optimize your code by avoiding repetitive calls to $( '#one' ), which results in multiple DOM lookups. Even better, you can store this element in a variable for easy reuse:

var $one = $( '#one' );

Answer №3

Why not simply wrap the text in a container, such as a paragraph or a div, and then use .slideToggle() on it? This eliminates unnecessary calculations.

<div class="rightBox">
    <div id="one" style="overflow:hidden;">
        <h3><a href="#" id="t1">Availability</a></h3><p id="a1"><a href="#" title="Slide Down"> .. </a></p>
        <p class="content" style="display:none">afasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf
        asd <br />
        asd <br />
        asdf <br />
        asd <br />
        asd <br />
        asdf <br />
        asd <br />
        asd <br />
        asdf <br />
        asd <br />
        asd <br />
        asdf <br />
        asd <br />
        asd <br />
        asdf <br />
</div><!-- END.#rightBox -->​


$('#t1').click(function() {
          if ($('#one').hasClass("extended")) {
            $('#one p.content').slideToggle();
              //$('#one').stop(true, true).animate({height: '22px'},500);
            $('#a1').stop(true, true).animate({opacity: '1'},500);
          } else {
            //$('#one').animate({height: 'auto'},500);
            $('#one p.content').slideToggle();
            $('#a1').animate({opacity: '0'},300);

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