Adjust text alignment of SVG elements using CSS

I am facing an issue where I am unable to change the x and y variables of Svg text tags using CSS. This should work as it does with Svg and . However, I am only able to make changes if I directly add the x and y positions in the HTML code. Html:

<svg id="main">
   <g id="g2">
      <circle id="c2" class="resize"/>
      <rect id="r2" class="resize"/>
      <text id="t2" class="resize">texthing</text>



Answer ā„–1

When tackling this issue, I have experimented with two different approaches. However, I have found that the most effective solution for me involves positioning elements using top and left properties.

svg g #t2{
  /*you can use top left right like the example below*/

<svg id="main">
       <g id="g2">
          <circle id="c2" class="resize"/>
          <rect id="r2" class="resize"/>
          <text id="t2" class="resize">texthing</text>

Another method that can be employed is utilizing transform translate as shown here:

t2{ transform:translate(100px, 100px) }

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