Make sure to load the <img> html tag before implementing js masonry for optimal

I am facing an issue with jQuery Masonry as it arranges my 'bricks' immediately without waiting for images to load in. Additionally, I need the images to be responsive so I cannot define their height and width like this:

<img src="asas" height= "100px" width="100px" alt="asas"> 

You can view a live example here.

Answer №1

If you want to ensure your code is executed only after all images are loaded, you have a couple of options. You can either place your code within the window on load handler, or you can utilize the imagesLoaded plugin developed by the masonry author.

    $('#wrapper').masonry({ ... });

Alternatively, you can use the following approach:

var $wrapper = $('#wrapper');
   done: function() {
        $wrapper.masonry({ ... });

If you want to style your images within the wrapper, you can use the CSS rule below:

#wrapper img {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;

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