Mobile site experiencing owl.carousel responsiveness issues after refreshing the page

I am currently working on a website located at . On the homepage, right after the slider, there is a carousel of three info boxes. However, in mobile view (developer mode), after a hard refresh or viewing the link on an actual mobile device, it displays a distorted view showing all three columns at once instead of one column.

I have attempted to update the owl.carousel JS and CSS files, but the error persists. I am now stuck and in need of guidance. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Please refer to the following screenshots for a better understanding of the error:

  1. Error Screenshot

  2. How It Should Be Displayed

Answer №1

When configuring your website's theme.js file, remember to call the function revolutionSliderActiver() before calling services_carousel() in the FUNCTION CALLING section. Doing this should help fix any issues you may be experiencing.

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