Adjusting Text Color on Buttons

I am looking for a simple button with clear color and black text, but the default button has white text. I need a way to change the text color. Check out my current app

<View style={styles.fastlog}>
  <Button style={styles.bouton}
    title= "Connect with Facebook"
    color= "#A2FFA1"/>
  <Button style={styles.bouton}
     title= "Connect with Google"
     color= "#A2FFA1"/>

This code works to create green buttons, but I am struggling to find a solution for changing the text color.

Answer №1

Include Text in Button with custom text color.

   color= "#A2FFA1" 
 <Text style={{color: '#fff'}}>Sign in with Facebook</Text>

For more information, check out:

Answer №2

When faced with a situation like this, my recommendation would be to either utilize a third-party library or develop a customButtonComponent. The Button component provided by react-native may not offer extensive styling options.

It is important to note that the color prop you are using will only change the background color of the button on Android, while it will affect the text color on iOS.

By combining TouchableOpacity and Text, you can create a custom Button component that can be styled using your own props and styles.

Answer №3

In React Native, styling options for buttons are limited. One workaround is to use TouchableOpacity or TouchableHighlight components with a Text property inside. This way, you can apply styling properties to both the View as a touchable component and the Text property.

    <TouchableOpacity style={{...yourStyles}} >
        <Text style={{...yourTextStyles}}></Text>

Answer №4

Using an Android Device

const customStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  btnSearch: {
    backgroundColor: "#F1F1F1",
    borderColor: "#D5D5D5",
    borderWidth: 1,
    borderLeftWidth: 0,
    borderRightWidth: 0,
    borderTopWidth: 0,
    borderRadius: 0,
  btnTitleSearch: {
    color: "#33353D",

      ? "Selected Package Id: " + this.state.searchPackageId
      : "No Package Id Selected"
  onPress={() => {
    var nav = this.props.navigation;
    nav.navigate("PackageIdInput", {
      packageId: this.state.searchPackageId,
      updatePackageId: updatePackageId,

To understand the component's structure, refer to the index.d.ts file.

Answer №5

   color= "#FFA1A2" 
   title="Click me!"
 <Text style={{color: '#fff'}}>Press this button</Text>

Remember to always include title attribute for better accessibility!

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