Interact with one div to trigger changes in another (CSS)

I successfully influenced the style of one div when hovering over another div using the "+" selector, but I would prefer to find a different solution. My goal is for this interaction to work even if the .h div and the .t div are located in separate parent elements.

Here is my current code:

(Although it may seem similar to other questions, the answers provided did not help me resolve this specific issue) While I prefer a CSS-only solution, please feel free to use JavaScript if necessary.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, CSS lacks the ability to select parent or sibling elements, so JavaScript is necessary for achieving this effect:

var mainHeading = document.querySelector('.main-heading');
var subheadings = document.querySelectorAll('.subheadings .sub');

mainHeading.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
  for(var i = 0 ; i < subheadings.length ; i++) {
    subheadings[i].style.display= 'none';

mainHeading.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
  for(var i = 0 ; i < subheadings.length ; i++) {
    subheadings[i].style.display= 'inline-block';

Check out the Fiddle implementation here

Answer №2

Here is an easy jquery solution that utilizes the .hover() and .toggleClass() functions

Check out this example on jsfiddle

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.h').hover(function() {
        $('.ts .t').toggleClass('hide');

    display: none;

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