Navigating through sibling elements can be accomplished by using various methods in

Can someone help me figure out how to assign unique IDs to 6 different Div elements as I step through them? The code snippet below is not working as expected, giving all Divs the same ID. What is the correct way to accomplish this task?

$('#main-slider div.et_pb_slide').first().attr('id','slide1');

$('#main-slider div.et_pb_slide').next().attr('id','slide2');

$('#main-slider div.et_pb_slide').next().attr('id','slide3');

$('#main-slider div.et_pb_slide').next().attr('id','slide4');

$('#main-slider div.et_pb_slide').next().attr('id','slide5');

$('#main-slider div.et_pb_slide').next().attr('id','slide6');

Answer №1


$('#main-carousel div.et_pb_item').each(function(count) { = "item" + (count + 1);

Answer №2

One way to approach this is:

$('.slider-container div.slide-item').each(function(i, el) {
$(this).attr('data-id', 'slide-' + i);

Answer №3

In case the other solutions provided don't work, it's recommended to chain your jQuery calls together for better performance and more accurate DOM selector:

$('#main-slider div.et_pb_slide')

Answer №4

$( "#main-slider div.et_pb_slide" ).each(function( count ) {
  $(this).attr('id', 'slide' + (count + 1));

Answer №5

1.) Select all the div elements using a specific selector

2.) Assign a distinct identifier by adding the index of each div element.

    var $divElements = $("#main-slider div.et_pb_slide");
    $divElements.attr('id', function (index) {
        return 'slide' + index;

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