HTML elements are positioned in alignment

I'm currently working on a website and I need some assistance in aligning my images properly. Here's what I have tried:

However, I haven't been able to achieve the desired result with the following code:

<img height="632" width="428" src="img/default.png" class="pull-left">

                <img height="318" width="221" src="img/default.png">

                <img height="318" width="221" src="img/default.png">

                <img height="318" width="221" src="img/default.png">

                <img height="318" width="221" src="img/default.png">
            </div> <img height="632" width="428" src="img/default.png" class="pull-right">

As a beginner, any guidance or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your help. (I am open to using Bootstrap as well)

Answer №1

Here is a suggestion to incorporate images into cells:

    <table border="1"> 
    <!--First row -->
    <td rowspan="2" width="428" height="632"> 632*428 with image </td>
    <td width="221" height="318"> 318*221 with image </td>
    <td width="221" height="318"> 318*221 with image </td>
    <td rowspan="2" width="428" height="632"> 632*428 with image </td>
    <!--Second row -->
    <td width="221" height="318"> 318*221 with image </td>
    <td width="221" height="318"> 318*221 with image </td>

Answer №2

Here is a suggested DOM structure for your project:

<div style="display:flex">
   <img height="632" width="221" src="img/default.png">
      <div><img height="318" width="221" src="img/default.png"></div>
      <div><img height="318" width="221" src="img/default.png"></div>
     <div><img height="318" width="221" src="img/default.png"></div>
     <div><img height="318" width="221" src="img/default.png"></div>
  <img height="632" width="221" src="img/default.png">

To see the layout in action, check out this JSFiddle link I prepared for you :)

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