Completely place one element with respect to its sibling element

I am currently facing a situation where I have implemented a Navigation bar wrapper that reveals an overlay across the entire page when clicked. In order for this setup to function correctly, all the elements that the overlay covers must be sibling elements. These siblings include the Header, Body, Footer, and more. My challenge is to position the navigation bar absolutely on top of the Header element without exceeding the boundaries of the Header. When applying position:absolute to the Navigation bar, it positions itself relative to the whole page because there is no parent with position:relative above it. Similarly, adding position:relative to the Header does not work as it is a sibling rather than a parent of the Navigation bar.

Is it possible to absolutely position one element relative to its sibling element?

EDIT: Providing code snippets may not be very helpful due to the complexity of the application. I have simplified my question for better understanding.


const Scenes = (props: Props) => (
  <NavigationWrapper routes={props.routes}>
    <Header />


/* @flow */

import React, { Component, Fragment, } from 'react'
import { NavLink, } from 'react-router-dom'
import Icon from 'semantic-ui-react/dist/commonjs/elements/Icon/Icon'
import Image from 'semantic-ui-react/dist/commonjs/elements/Image/Image'
import Menu from 'semantic-ui-react/dist/commonjs/collections/Menu/Menu'
import Sidebar from 'semantic-ui-react/dist/commonjs/modules/Sidebar/Sidebar'
import Responsive from 'semantic-ui-react/dist/commonjs/addons/Responsive/Responsive'
// Flow
import type { Element, } from 'react'

import logo from '../../../assets/img/logo.png'

import './navigationWrapper.local.scss'

// NavBarMobile, NavBarDesktop components here...

class NavigationWrapper extends Component<Props, State> {
  // Methods and properties here...

export default NavigationWrapper

In the structure inside the DOM, everything is encapsulated within the NavigationWrapper component. The ui menu represents the navigation bar while container__header indicates the cover image. These elements are all siblings. My goal is to position the ui menu relative to container__header, such as aligning it in the center. However, any positioning must ensure that it stays within the confines of container__header.

Answer №1

If you could provide a snippet of your code, it would make it easier to help you out. Based on your description, it seems like using position: fixed may be more suitable than position: absolute.

Answer №2

One interesting technique is to utilize jQuery to retrieve the positions of sibling elements once the webpage has finished loading, and then employ jQuery to apply the necessary CSS styling to position your own element precisely. Another strategy involves accessing the Developer Tools in your web browser and examining the CSS section for various positioning options, experimenting with different combinations of attributes to find a solution that works best for your needs. This process is particularly straightforward in FireFox.

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