How can you determine whether the CSS of a <div> is defined in a class or an id using JavaScript/jQuery?

Hey there, I'm currently working on dynamically changing the CSS of a website. Let's say we have a div like this:

<div id="fooid" class="fooclass" ></div>

The div has a class "fooclass" and an ID "fooid", and we're getting its background color using:

var bgcolor = element.css( "background-color" );

My issue is figuring out whether that background color is set in the fooid CSS or in the fooclass. Is there any way to determine this? Thanks in advance.

Answer №1

If you're curious to discover the secret behind a webpage's design, one effective method is to utilize Chrome's developer tools. By inspecting the div element, you can easily determine whether the background is established through the class or id specified in your styles tab. The background settings will be visible there, providing valuable insights into its configuration.

Answer №2

Discover the selectors mentioned in this response:

Locate all CSS rules that are relevant to a specific element

Next, you can compare these selectors with the value retrieved using Window.getComputedStyle for the background-color property of your element.

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