What approach do you recommend for creating unique CSS or SCSS styles for the same component?

Consider a scenario where you have a complicated component like a dropdown menu and you want to apply custom styles to it when using it in different contexts. This customization includes not only changing colors but also adjusting spacing and adding icons.

If you are working with frameworks like React or Vue, one approach is to pass parameters through props to adjust the styles accordingly.

Alternatively, you can achieve this by utilizing SCSS with various methods for overwriting styles:

 width: 100px;

//custom styling for specific menu
   width: 120px;

Another option could be implementing BEM methodology, where you can make the main class name dynamic and modify it easily:

    width: 100px;

//customization example
   width: 120px;

Which method works best for you? Are there any other effective ways to achieve the same result?

Answer №1

Enhance the reusability of your component by implementing styles for modified states or contexts such as dark, light, big, small, etc.

    width: 100px;


 &.dark {
  color: dark;
 &.light {
  color: white;

This approach can be applied to all components within your project.

Previously referenced elements:


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