Issue with mouseout gap in Microsoft Edge when using the <select> element

A noticeable gap appears in Microsoft Edge between the <select> menu and its options when expanding the menu, as shown here:

This particular issue can cause problems with the mouseout event due to inconsistent behavior compared to Chrome. Take a look at this simple example:

const menu = document.getElementById('menu');

menu.addEventListener('mouseout', (e) => {
  // The line below fixes the glitch in Firefox, but not Edge
  if (e.relatedTarget === null) return;
.red {
  background: red;
<select id="menu">

In Microsoft Edge specifically, there is an issue where moving the mouse cursor between the menu and its expanded options triggers the mouseout event. Is there a way to prevent this behavior in Edge?

Answer №1

Upon following CBroe's recommendation, I wrapped the select in a span. The span is structured as follows:

<span id="wrapper" style="height:20px; display:inline-block">

Subsequently, I set up an event listener for the mouseleave event on the wrapper (since mouseout was ineffective in this scenario). This approach proved to be effective. It seems that there exists a slight discrepancy between the select and list box, with the space being slightly less than 20px and of a fixed height. Feel free to experiment with it yourself.

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