Adjust the size of the <textarea> to match the height of the table cell

Below is the code I am using to generate a table containing an image along with a <textarea>:

<table border="1" style="border-color: #a6a6a6" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="702">\
  <col width="455">
  <col width="230">\
      <td type="image" id="' + sdfsdsdf + '" data-parent-id="0" data-type="NORMAL" data-img="1" data-flags="1" data-type-ios="3" height="85" width="455"><img src="" style="width:100%;"></td>\
      <td width="230">
        <pre><textarea id="' + sdfsdfsdaf + '" data-parent-id="' + id_picture + '" data-type="sdfsdafsd" data-type-ios="4" rows="5" style="width:100%; height:100%; display:block;"></textarea></pre><br></td>\

The output will appear as shown in this link:

I intend for the <textarea> to occupy all the available height within the cell of the table.

Despite trying various solutions provided here, none of them have proven effective for me.

Answer №1

Here is the solution you need:

Make sure to specify the height of both the table and pre. I've set it to 100% in this example. Remember, a child element can only be 100% of its parent's height if the parent's height has been defined as well.

Answer №2

It may not be a universal solution, but I stumbled upon this fix while exploring my CSS code. Inside my Site.css file, I came across the following snippet:

textarea {
    max-width: 280px;

By removing the styling for textarea, I was able to properly display content in that element. It turned out that the issue was specific to my CSS, so I revised the code to look like this:

select {
    max-width: 280px;

And voila, problem solved!

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