Adding two BR tags between inline images within a wrapper is causing inconsistencies in spacing when viewed in Firefox compared to all other browsers. Check out an example of this issue in

JS Fiddle Link

Having a perplexing issue with image rendering in Firefox compared to other browsers. The xhtml doctype is used with proper br / tag spacing, but the gap between two images on this specific document displays differently in Firefox.

You can view the page at

The CSS styling may be causing the problem as it's not structured properly, preventing explicit posting. Both images are contained within a DIV wrapper without being in separate divs. They have image maps and only differ in width by about 20px.

In the space between the two images are two br / tags. Attempts to adjust using Firebug have been unsuccessful thus far. Determined to find a solution, seeking advice or guidance to resolve this frustrating discrepancy in spacing exhibited by Firefox.

Around a 10px difference has been noted between Firefox and other browsers in terms of spacing. Any insight on unusual rendering issues would be greatly appreciated in order to troubleshoot and resolve the matter for educational purposes.

Answer №1

It is not reliable to use <br/> for creating vertical spacing. Instead, consider using styles like

<div style="margin-top:5px">image goes here</div>

Another option could be:

<img style="margin-top:5px" src="yourimg.jpg" />

In my opinion, browsers tend to behave consistently when using this method.

Additional note:

However (and it's important to emphasize): browsers will never achieve complete consistency. Designs that assume a 100% consistency rate are bound to face challenges. (If this seems harsh, try relying solely on your smartphone's browser for a day. Not ideal.)

Answer №2

While I'm not entirely sure why Firefox behaves the way it does, I can provide some advice based on my own experience. Using br tags for layout purposes may not be the best approach as it can lead to loss of control over spacing. In this scenario, Firefox interprets two br tags as two lines, while Opera treats the first one as a line break after the map and the second one creates extra space.

You didn't request a workaround, but I can't help myself: check out a br-less alternative here.

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