Perform the same actions on every element within the ul li

I'm facing an issue with my unordered list, where each list item contains a span element with an image inside. My goal is to set the background-image of each span to be the same as the image it contains, while also setting the opacity of the image to 0.

Despite writing some code to achieve this, it doesn't seem to be working as expected. Even when I comment out the line that sets the background image, the images are still visible. This leads me to believe that there's an error in how the background image is being applied.

Could someone please help me understand what I'm doing wrong? Thank you!

var myUl = $('.my-ul');
    [...myUl.children].forEach(childLi => {
        const span_list = childLi.querySelector('span');
        const img_list = childLi.querySelector('img');
        var path_picture = img_list.src;
        $(span_list).css("background-image", "url(${path_picture})");
        $(span_list).css("background-size", "contain"); = 0;
 .my-ul li span {
    display: block;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;

  .my-ul li img {
    width: 100%;
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="my-ul">
      <img src="" />
      <img src="" />
      <img src="" />

Answer №1

There are a couple of issues that need to be addressed:

  • $(".myul") returns a jQuery collection, which has a .children() function (not a property) but it is not an array and therefore cannot be iterated using [...].forEach
  • "url(${path_picture})" appears to use string interpolation, so it should use backticks ` instead of quotes "

The corrected code snippet would look like this:

//var myUl = $('.my-ul');
var myUl = document.querySelector(".my-ul");

[...myUl.children].forEach(childLi => {
  const span_list = childLi.querySelector('span');
  const img_list = childLi.querySelector('img');
  var path_picture = img_list.src;
  $(span_list).css("background-image", `url(${path_picture})`);
  $(span_list).css("background-size", "contain"); = 0;
.my-ul li span {
  display: block;
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;

.my-ul li img {
  width: 100%;
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="my-ul">
      <img src="" />
      <img src="" />
      <img src="" />

An alternative approach would be to utilize jQuery as demonstrated below:

var myUl = $('.my-ul');

myUl.children().each((i, e) => {
  var path_picture = $("img", e).attr("src");
  $("span", e)
      .css("background-image", `url(${path_picture})`)
      .css("background-size", "contain");
  $("img", e).hide();
.my-ul li span {
  display: block;
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;

.my-ul li img {
  width: 100%;
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="my-ul">
      <img src="" />
      <img src="" />
      <img src="" />

Answer №2

When it comes to adjusting styles in vanilla js or jquery, there could be an issue with the code = 0;. It's possible that img_list represents a collection of elements or nodes which is causing the code to not function as expected.

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