Placing a list item at the beginning of an unordered list in EJS with MongoDB and Node.js using Express

What I've done: I already have knowledge on how to add an LI to UL, but it always goes to the bottom. What I'm trying to achieve: Add an LI to the top so that when my div.todos-wrapper (which has y-oveflow: hidden) hides overflow, the todos you added can still be seen.

Currently they remain hidden until you scroll.

EJS code -

If you need more screenshots or code examples, please leave a comment.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome in li, the sort order of the blog data needs to be changed to descending.

For instance, if the current data is:

blogs = [1,2,3]

it should be sorted in descending order to obtain:

blogs = [3,2,1]

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