Bootstrap 4 experiences issues with modal dialogs

I am experiencing an issue with my code not working on Bootstrap 4. When I click on the 'overview' button, the page darkens but the dialog does not appear. This functionality worked fine with the old version of Bootstrap. Can someone please assist me?

          %label.control-label{ :for => "overview" }
            %a.btn.btn-info{ :href=> "#modaloverview", "data-toggle" => "modal"}
          .modal.modal.hide.fade#modaloverview{ :tabindex => "-1", :role => "dialog", "aria-labelledby" => "modal-label", "aria-hidden" => "true"}
              %button.close{ :type => "button", "data-dismiss" => "modal", "aria-hidden" => "true" }
            %textarea.form-control.input-xxlarge.allowMarkupShortcut#overview{ :rows => "10", :name => "overview" }
              - if @finding
                - if @finding.overview

Answer №1

Consider modifying your code in the following way:

To enhance functionality, ensure that you include the data-target property in your button element and assign the id of your model as its value.

form-group %label.control-label{ :for => "overview" } 
%a.btn.btn-info{ :href=> "#modaloverview", "data-toggle" => "modal", "data-target" => "#myModal" } INFO 
#myModal.modal.modal.hide.fade#modaloverview{ :tabindex => "-1", :role => "dialog", "aria-labelledby" => "modal-label", "aria-hidden" => "true"} .modal-header %button.close{ :type => "button", "data-dismiss" => "modal", "aria-hidden" => "true" } X 
    #modal-label titletextetxtetxtext 
   %p texttextetxtetxtettxtte .controls                 

  #overview{ :rows => "10", :name => "overview" } - if @finding - if @finding.overview #{meta_markup(@findin

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