Hover over CSS sprite

My anchor tag looks like this:

<a href="#">
   <i class="ico01"></i>

The ico01 class applies an image using CSS sprite. I want to change the background color of the entire content inside the anchor (span + i) when the mouse hovers over it. However, currently, only the text (span) is affected by the hover effect. Am I missing something?

Here's a JS Fiddle link showcasing the issue: https://jsfiddle.net/0esbmusq/1/

Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

p {

p:hover {

Answer №2

Here is a suggestion to try:


.ico01 {
  background: url('https://download.seaicons.com/icons/marcus-roberto/google-play/512/Google-Chrome-icon.png') no-repeat -10px -24px;
  width: 492px;
  height: 488px;
a:hover {
<a href="#">
  <i class="ico01"></i>

Answer №3

Do you intend to do this?

a:hover span{background-color:black};
<a href="#">
   <i class="ico01"></i>

Answer №4

To make the link visible, be sure to set the display property to block.

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