D3 Treemap for handling extensive sets of data

I am uncertain if there exists a method to incorporate the desired feature. I am seeking a solution similar to zoomable treemaps, but to initially load a limited number of child levels and then dynamically add more child nodes without requiring a node click.

For example, in , once reaching a leaf node, I would like to make an ajax call to check for additional child nodes. If they exist, I want to seamlessly integrate them into the existing tree structure without redrawing the entire graph. This poses a challenge as I am unsure about how the accumulate function will operate in this context. Furthermore, I aim for a functionality where clicking on a grandparent node allows for easy navigation back to the previous parent.

My objectives include: 1. Loading content on demand through clicks 2. Enhancing dynamism within the visualization 3. Implementing these features efficiently even with large datasets that fall within the browser's cacheable range.

Could any knowledgeable individuals provide insights or suggestions on this matter?

Answer №1

My strategy involves shifting the calculation algorithm for dx, dy, x, and y to the server side. By inputting the dimensions of the div where the treemap will be positioned, I can efficiently return objects up to a depth of either 3 or 4 in just one request. The potential hurdle here lies in implementing smooth animation transitions.

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