What is the best way to apply a Javascript function to multiple tags that share a common id?

I am experimenting with javascript to create a mouseover effect that changes the text color of specific tags in an HTML document. Here is an example:

function adjustColor() {
  var anchorTags = document.querySelectorAll("#a1");
  anchorTags.forEach(function(tag) {
    tag.style.color = "green";
<div onmouseover="adjustColor()">
  <a id="a1">Color</a>
  <a id="a1">Names</a>
  <a id="a1">Places</a>

Currently, only the text color of the "Color" tag changes to green upon mouseover and not Names and Places. Is there a way for my function to apply the color change to all anchor tags with similar IDs?

Answer №1

id must be unique in order to properly target elements. To achieve the same result, document.querySelectorAll can be used along with a class since multiple elements can share the same class.

//retrieve all elements with the same class name
// iterate through them using array#forEach method
document.querySelectorAll('.a1').forEach(function(item) {
  // add an event listener to each element
  item.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) {
    this.style.color = "green";
  <a class="a1">Color</a>
  <a class="a1">Names</a>
  <a class="a1">Places</a>

Note: This code will color individual text on mouseover. If the goal is to color all the text at once, then the event handler should be added to the parent element.

Answer №2

It is recommended to utilize classes.

In JavaScript, you can retrieve an array of elements sharing the same class.

function handleBoxMouseover () {
  // Select all child elements with the class "a1" and store them in an array
  var childElements = document.getElementsByClassName('a1');

  // Loop through the new array and change the color based on the index
  for (var i = 0; i < childElements.length; i++) {
    childElements[i].style.color = 'green';
<div onmouseover="handleBoxMouseover()">
  <a class="a1">Color</a>
  <a class="a1">Names</a>
  <a class="a1">Places</a>

Just a heads up:

Instead of modifying inline styles, you could also assign a class to the child elements to alter the color.

Answer №3

Implement the mouseoverbox1() function on each a element instead of the parent div, passing in the parameter this. Inside the function, reset the color property for all a elements and then set the color only for the currently hovered a element.

Note: The use of id should be unique within a document; consider using class instead.

Here is a suggested approach:

function mouseoverbox1(that){
  document.querySelectorAll("#tagContainer > a.a1").forEach(function(el){
    el.style.color = "";
  that.style.color = "green";
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="tagContainer">
    <a class="a1" onmouseover="mouseoverbox1(this)">Color</a>
    <a class="a1" onmouseover="mouseoverbox1(this)">Names</a>
    <a class="a1" onmouseover="mouseoverbox1(this)">Places</a>

Answer №4

Is there a way for my function to accept changes to all anchor tags with similar IDs?

IDs should be unique to avoid issues like this.

If you want to keep the same ID, avoid using getElementById and instead use querySelectorAll

function highlightAnchorTags() {
    document.querySelectorAll("[id='a1']").forEach( function( element ) {
        element.style.color = "green";

Check out the demo below:

function mouseoverbox1(){
    document.querySelectorAll("[id='a1']").forEach( function( ele ){
       ele.style.color = "green";
<div onmouseover="mouseoverbox1()">
    <a id="a1">Color</a>
    <a id="a1">Names</a>
    <a id="a1">Places</a>

Answer №5

Instead of relying on multiple JavaScript solutions, here is a simple and effective CSS solution for the problem:

div a:hover {
  color: green;
  <a id="a1">Color</a>
  <a id="a1">Names</a>
  <a id="a1">Places</a>

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