Alter the dimensions and material displayed on Vue

In my Vue.js project, I have a topbar with two divs whose size and content need to be adjusted based on whether the user is logged in. If they are not logged in, it should look like this:

<div id='search' width="400px"></div><div id="login" width="200px"><img></div>

And when they are logged in, it should appear as follows:

<div id='search' width="200px"></div><div id="login" width="400px"><div id='somecontent></div><div id='morecontent'></div></div>

While I am aware that I can achieve this by hardcoding both options and utilizing v-if statements, I am exploring if there is an alternative approach.

Answer №1

<div id='search' :style="{width: isLoggedIn ? '200px' : '400px'}"></div>
<div id="login" :style="{width: isLoggedIn ? '400px' : '200px'}">
  <div id='somecontent' v-if="isLoggedIn"></div>
  <div id='morecontent' v-if="isLoggedIn"></div>
  <img v-if="!isLoggedIn">

You can apply styling dynamically in Vue.js using v-bind

new Vue({
  data: {
    isLoggedIn: false

Check out this fiddle for an example

Answer №2

Establish a default width value in your data section, such as:

data() {
        return {
            defaultWidth: '200'

Upon logging in, you can update the width value and then implement it like this:

<div :style="{ width: defaultWidth + 'px' }" id='search' width="400px"></div>

Hopefully, this tip proves to be helpful!

Answer №3

To implement the style attribute, follow these steps:

const app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    loggedIn: false
  created() {
        this.loggedIn = true
  methods: {
    login() { this.loggedIn = true },
    logout() { this.loggedIn = false }
#search, #login {
  border: solid 1px black;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
  <button v-on:click="login()">Log in</button>
  <button v-on:click="logout()">Log out</button>
  <div id='search' v-bind:style="{width: loggedIn ? '400px' : '200px'}">Search Stuff</div>
  <div id="login" v-bind:style="{width: loggedIn ? '200px' : '400px'}">
    <img v-if="!loggedIn" src="">
    <template v-if="loggedIn">
      <div id="somecontent">some content</div>
      <div id="morecontent">more content</div>

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