Can Chrome support color management for css colors?

In my current project, we are dealing with designers who work in Adobe RGB and are accustomed to viewing the vibrant colors from that spectrum in Illustrator. However, we are developing an application that will enable them to work in a web browser using a THREE JS 3D workspace.

Our challenge lies in the fact that we have been creating color swatches using CSS background color and applying RGBA to the meshes in THREE, which results in everything being displayed in sRGB. As a result, the designers are expressing dissatisfaction with how the colors appear in the browser.

I am aware that recent versions of Chrome support color management for images, but I have not been able to find any information about controlling color profiles for CSS or Three JS. Is it feasible to adjust the color profiles in these areas, or are we restricted to working with sRGB?

Answer №1

Dealing with the same issue, I have yet to discover a method of managing CSS Colors. It is possible that this could change with the use of the mediaQuery keyword, but I am unsure if it will impact CSS colors. Here is a resource I came across.

We currently rely on a specific set of colors which are stored in a texture and accessed through a lookup process. However, I understand that this may not be a viable solution for your situation.

Answer №2

Planning to go online? Keep in mind that Adobe RGB is not currently supported and not the best choice.

sRGB: The Web's Standard

The World Wide Web Consortium has set sRGB as the standard for web content. While other colorspaces may be supported in CSS4, stick with sRGB for now.

Most browsers, including Chrome, lack support for color management in CSS. Safari stands out as an exception, unless you're willing to experiment with internal options on others.

To avoid surprises, it's recommended to work in the destination space (at a higher bit depth if possible) or convert existing work from AdobeRGB to sRGB using "perceptual intent" or "relative colorimetric."

For CSS documentation, visit:

Answer №3

While it may not be feasible at the moment, there is potential for it to become a reality in the future with the introduction of the draft specification from W3C into browsers (

In fact, the latest version of Safari on MacOS Big Sur already supports this feature, and there is even a special test available to demonstrate its functionality.

Additionally, the Color managed color picker can be found in the console of Safari.

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