What is the best way to adjust the width of a table td element using CSS in Spiceworks?

I'm attempting to modify a CSS code snippet for Spiceworks.

Here is the specific line that I need to adjust:

<td class="body-id cell-id" style="width: 12%; "></td>

The following code:


successfully changes the background color as intended. I believe I can also utilize the SPICEWORKS.utils.addStyle function to modify the width of a table. However, my struggle lies in specifying which exact <td> element's width I want to alter.

P.S. I am currently in a training role and not yet proficient in programming.

Answer №1

As per the Spicework’s guidelines, the function addStyle is used to insert a CSS block into the <head> section of an HTML page.

It's important to note that if the width of your <td> element is already specified in its inline style attribute, it will take precedence over any styling applied using addStyle, unless you use the !important declaration in your added style rule.

Would you like to give this a shot?

SPICEWORKS.utils.addStyle('td.body-id.cell-id{width:100px !important;}');

Answer №2

To modify the dimensions of tables, th, and td elements, utilize the height/width property.

For additional information, visit w3schools.

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