What's the best way to constrain a draggable element within the boundaries of its parent using right and bottom values?

I am currently working on creating a draggable map. I have successfully limited the draggable child for the left and top sides, but I am struggling to do the same for the right and bottom sides.

How can I restrict the movement of a draggable child based on the right and bottom values of its parent element?

     var uright = ui.position.left + 960;  /* 960 represents the height of the map */
     var pright = parentPos.left + 700;    /* 500 is the height of the container */

      if (ui.position.top > parentPos.top) {
     ui.position.top = parentPos.top; // this works correctly
       if (ui.position.left > parentPos.left) {
     ui.position.left= parentPos.left; // this works correctly
    if (uright > pright) {
        uright = pright; // however, this part is not functioning as intended

For reference, here is my working example on jsfiddle

Answer №1

If you're looking to change things up, consider utilizing the getBoundingClientRect method instead of relying solely on the position method. This method returns a text rectangle object that encompasses a group of text rectangles.

rectObject = object.getBoundingClientRect();

The value returned is a TextRectangle object that represents the combined rectangles from getClientRects() for the element, specifically the CSS border-boxes linked to the element.

This returned value contains read-only properties like left, top, right, and bottom, describing the border-box in pixels. The top and left values are relative to the top-left corner of the viewport.

You can extract the top, left, right, bottom values of the element using

rectObject.right, rectObject.top, rectObject.bottom,

For further details, check out: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element.getBoundingClientRect

Alternatively, explore the possibility of incorporating the containment option in jQuery draggable. Link : http://api.jqueryui.com/draggable/#option-containment

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